Saturday, 30 August 2014

Top 5 Lush products

Hello :) 

Everyone who's anyone knows what Lush is right? If you don't, then where have you been?! 
If you have no idea what Lush is, then you can read about their history here.

But to narrow it down a little, they basically make handmade cosmetics such as bath bombs, shower gels, hair care, massage bars + many many more. 
The ingredients they use are all mostly natural; fruits, veggies, essential oils, honey, beeswax and synthetic ingredients. They don't use animal fats in their products and in addition to this, are against animal testing... using volunteers instead. 

If you've ever been in any of the stores, you will know what I'm talking about when I say how overwelming it is to be in there. The scents, fragrances, colourful products... it's just a lovely shop to go to. 

My top 5 favourite Lush products of all time are as follows: 

1. Mask of Magnamity Self-Preserving  £9.25 - "This peppermint mask does everything it can to fight eruptions and outbreaks and return your skin to tip top condition". = It does exactly that! Apart from the odd skin problem (time of the month), it works wonders. I never break out unless of course I'm having girl troubles in which case, they can't be stopped sadly... but it's so good to get rid of those break outs quickly and easily. Highly recommend this product. 

Instagram Picture @brasso_95

2. Luxury Lush Pud Bath Bomb - Sadly this is only around at Christmas time *cry cry* but it's still one of my all time favourites from Lush, so I'm hoping that they find it in their hearts to bring it back this Christmas. The Bath Bomb is quite large in size, and is covered in multicoloured pastel dots. The base of the product is a pastel purple colour and the top is powdery white with a little holly decoration to top it off. Cute look! What I love about this product is how it turns out when you pop it in the bath.. I won't say too much as I have pictures to show you but all I will say is that it's the prettiest bath I've ever had. 

3. Angels on Bare Skin Cleanser £6.40 - Made from 100% natural ingredients. Helps to tone and brighten your skin. Can be used all over the body as well as the face (although I use it just for my face). Brilliant product. Doesn't break me out at all. Leaves my skin feeling softer than ever. Gently exfoliates the skin and absorbs grease and dirt from the skin. It can be quite messy though due to some of the ingredients used. 

4. Bubblegum Lip Scrub £5.50 - Great for prepping your lips before the start of your make up routine. I love this product. It looks good, smells good and it even tastes good. What could be better?! Ingredients used: Caster Sugar and Jojoba Oil. Scrubs away dead skin and infuses moisture into the lips. Lasts a long time as well *bonus*. 

Image Source

5. Eau Roma Water Toner £3.95 - Helps calm and reduce redness (something I struggle a lot with) and the lavander water will balance and soften the skin. Use it for a quick refreshing spritz or to remove any excess make up. I love love love this. Does everything it's supposed to do. I really would recommend this product for those with sensitive skin. 


What are your favourite Lush products? 

Monday, 18 August 2014

Lola the Jackhuahua

Hello you gorgeous people... 

For those who read my blog, you will all know that I recently (I say recently, it was actually a few months ago now) got a new puppy after my best friend of 11 years passed away back in April. Jessie was a perfect Dog, in every way, shape and form. She made my life feel complete and was always there for me when I needed a cuddle, so when she passed away due to circumstances above our control, it hit me like a brick and I felt like my life had been turned completely upside down. I don't care how silly that sounds, to everyone else she was "just a Dog" but to me, she was my best friend and sister all rolled up into one. She couldn't talk, but she could smile and she could cry, she had feelings just like us and she would cuddle me all night and sometimes I was lucky enough to spoon her. No other dog could ever replace her.

Jessie - 2003-2014 RIP Baby 
That being said, me and my family didn't feel like we could cope without a dog. We've always had a Dog, since the day I was born and it just didn't feel right not having one roaming round the house every day and night. So upon those feelings, we decided the best way to stop feeling so down about Jessie's death, was to get a new Dog and form a new bond with a new beautiful little girl. I say little, because she is genuinely tiny. Like I said, we could never replace Jessie. So that's when we decided that getting another border collie would be way too difficult for us to handle, and so we decided on a new breed altogether. A Jackhuahua.

A Chihuahua crossed with a Jack Russell. 
She was only 9 weeks old when we got her and honestly, she's so damn cute! I agree with my mum when she says that Lola's a very spoiled little girl... those cute little eyes and her little whimpering sounds are just to much to bare. 

Lola as a puppy 
I admit though, her ears are not the same floppy little things that you can see on the above picture... no. She's now got full on Chihuahua ears. Because she's half Chihuahua and that breed comes from Mexico, she can get extreamely cold with just the tiniest gust of wind. Therefore, we've had to invest in some cardigan's and coat's for her for the Winter. (We wouldn't usually dress Dogs, but the vet advised us to do so in order to keep her warm). 

Lola has her own little quirks and qualities just like every other Dog. She snores a lot when it comes down to having a snooze, which is another thing... she's lazy. She sleeps a lot. She's like a baby really. She sleeps, eats, poops, plays and does it all over again constantly all day. She can jump up on to the sofa's, which can quite irritating at times when you don't want her up there. She can't climb the stairs yet, which is a relief. Although she could manage to climb them at my Grandma's house, but I think that's because her stairs are closer together than ours. She couldn't get down though and took to crying her little heart out instead. We have 4 cats, and even though Lola is a lot smaller than them all, my cats still seem to be afraid of her. I think that's down to the high volume of energy that Lola has. She can be sleeping one minute, and running riot the next. She's very afraid of bigger dogs, as is most small dogs. When we walk her, she'll often just sit there and refuse to walk because like I said before, she's lazy. So we've took to carrying her in a little bag (that's made for small dogs). I wasn't sure of this at first, but I suppose it's can be quite handy for when we take her out and she gets sleepy. She can just curl up in her bag and drop off to sleep. It doesn't matter what Lola does that's naughty, you really can't stay mad at her for long. She's too cute. 

She really has brightened up my life, as well as all of those around me. 
She's now a little bigger than what she first was, but it's not that much bigger. She's still a midget. I look forward to spending my life with her. 

If you have instagram and would like to see a short video of Lola having one her energy outburts then please click here

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Instagram Diary

Follow me on Instagram @brasso_95

Instagram  Cats  Puppy RIP Jessie Pasta  Ice Cream  Abduction Game  Cow  Lola  Kitties  Chocolate  Cake  Hot Air Balloon ♥ River Gardens Family Memories  Food  Cuddles  Dog Selfie  Best Game Ever  Emma's Ice Cream  Summer 

Friday, 8 August 2014

Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy & Daring Review

Hey peeps :) 

Who doesn't love perfect non-greasy hair? I for one love it when my hair is looking, feeling and smelling clean but I live with my parents and washing my hair every day is just not an option (water is expensive). 

So I was over the moon excited when I found out that I'd won some Batiste Dry Shampoo Sassy and Daring off Twitter. It came just at the right time too; since we've been having hot weather and the humidity has been high, my scalp has been sweating excessively and unfortunately that means my hair gets greasy a lot faster. When I say faster, I'm talking 'bout washing it in the morning, and it being oily by night! Talk about a nightmare

What is Dry Shampoo? 
Dry Shampoo absorbs the oil that makes your hair look and feel greasy without drying out your scalp. Batiste Dry Shampoo is perfect to use in between washes or if you're like me; when you can't be bothered to wash it :) A quick spray of the product revitalises hair and removes any excess grease. Your hair will feel gorgeously clean and fresh with added body, volume and texture.  

As you can see from the above picture, the packaging is a sexy leopard print which I personally love the look of. All Batiste Dry Shampoos come in a patterned can which I think makes the product look more fun. As far as I am aware they currently own 20 different dry shampoos that range from volume to colouring, even Pixie Lott has made her own version which you can buy here.

Another thing that is familiar among these products is that they all have a divine smell to them. Each is different so you can pick and choose which one you prefer. This one on it's own has a gorgeous scent to it. It's like a musky earthy smell. I can't quite put my finger on it but either way the smell is lovely. (Even Ryan complimented me on the smell of my hair)... if people start asking you what you're using, that's when you know it's a good product! The scent isn't overpowering, but it does last all day which is a bonus. 

All in all I love this product and I will definitely be repurchasing once I've used up this one. It does exactly what its meant to do. 
